La Corona becomes The Corona Adobe

Fourteen months after construction began, La Corona is done. 6,200 square feet of Mexican cement, bricks, wood, tile and adobe.
Our first season with La Corona is coming to a close and we couldn’t be happier with what we’ve cobbled together over the last fourteen months. Like everything else in our life, this season has brought surprises and changes that have pushed us in new directions. La Corona has rarely been empty, beginning with Jungle Storm III in early November right through this year’s Spring Break in April. It’s become a great party house for locals as well as out-of-town visitors — which surprisingly enough is what we had in mind in the first place!
Along the way, we’ve invented a new type of inn-keeping called “Bed and Wine” — as we’ve turned La Corona into the Corona Adobe, a B&B with a twist (OK, several twists). Before La Corona was even done, we began receiving inquiries from friends of friends about renting either a room, floor or the entire house. Before we could say “sure,” our first guest had stayed for two weeks in the “Adobe Suite.” Karen and Chelli quickly became great friends and gave dinner parties together; thus the “Bed and Wine” was born.
Like any self respecting B&W, we’ve unleashed a full marketing onslaught including website: CoronaAdobe and a listing on AirBnB, both of which couldn’t have been done without the help of Dan Weil. Take a look and let us know what you think.
Now that construction is done and the “High Season” is ending, KR is moving back to LA for at least the summer. This is great news, of course, as its been about a year since she was last in the US. This will present some adjustments for both of us, primarily in that KR will be moving from a 6,200 sq ft Mexican mini-mansion to a 900 sq. ft. Los Angeles-style micro loft. I don’t expect it to make much difference to Lilly as a bed is a bed is a bed:)
Here’s what this season has looked like:

KR is happy to have Her Man home. Her Man is making himself useful as always, tackling a hard to open wine bottle.

This could have ended badly. Gwen, feeling no pain, decides to give Jennifer a hair cut with garden clippers

What’s a party without a pool? Here Carlos, Peter and yours truly are in deep conversation solving the problems of the world .

This is just a good shot. We’re awaiting for the boat to “Rhythms of the Night” show, about an hour boat ride south.

Back in the real world, Isidro, KR and Jesus try and figure out the highly sophisticated pool filter. We’re still working on it.

I do my part in household maintenance, giving Lilly a bath in the kitchen sink. Lilly’s lov’n having Dad around.

It’s always good for people watching, buying trinkets you’ll never use again, and having a couple of cervezas on the beach.

It’s never enough — time in PV — and I’m back at my favorite airport, on the way back to “civilization.”
Hi Fred and Karen,
Corona Adobe is stunning, so great to see all the finishing touches. What a fantastic idea to have a Bed Wine property, sure to be a success with KR’s new found passion. Miss you two! XX Debbie
Very nice!! We used AirBnB in Scotland and loved them. You are in good company. What’s the ride down there by motorcycle like? Have fun.